
本校與縣立廣島大學簽立交換協定! 該校於2005年建校,為一所日本公立大學地處於廣島南區,該校設有4學院及2研究所,分別為人類文化與科學學院、管理與訊息系統學院、生命與環境科學學院、健康與福利學院。



Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology signed an exchange agreement with Prefectural University of Hiroshima.  

The Prefectural University of Hiroshima is a public university in the Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, established in 2005. It has three campuses located in Hiroshima, Shobabra and Mihara. The university has four faculties and two graduate school programmes. The four faculties are: faculty of human culture and science, faculty of management and information systems, faculty of life and environmental sciences, faculty of health and welfare.

Our students can apply for exchange program in Japan for one semester. For details, please contact the International Cooperation Center.

Note: Students with certificate of JLPT N3  can consider it.


Website link: https://www.pu-hiroshima.ac.jp/